Adding items to your TimeToSignUp sheet is imperative so that participants have something to sign up for. Please use these directions for adding items - you can watch a video or scroll down for text directions.
In order to add items to a TimeToSignUp sheet, please do the following:
- Log in to your account (admins only).
- Go to your TimeToSignUp sheet.
- At the bottom of each column, you'll see a box that says "Add an item to..."
Enter the item for which you want participants to sign up. - Entering a quantity of more than 1 will permit participants to sign up for multiple items and/or allow multiple people to sign up for the items.
- To limit the number of sign ups that one participant can claim for the item, first check the box for "Limit Sign Ups"
then enter the maximum number permitted for each sign up
- After you have entered the item, press "return" or "enter" on your keyboard or press the "Save" button. The item will automatically be saved and you'll be able to enter another item in that column.
In addition to the "add an item here" box mentioned in Step 3, you also have the option of clicking on the "Add an item to..." link located in the column heading.This link will take you to a form to add an item to the column.