Please note that it is not mandatory to add additional account admins to your TimeToSignUp account. The majority of TimeToSignUp accounts have only one admin (the "owner"). Additional admins are optional and are useful for large organizations that desire multiple people administering the organization's TimeToSignUp account. 

To add an admin to your account, please follow the steps shown below.

  1. Log in to your account. You must be the "owner" (the primary account holder) of the account or an admin with permission (granted by the owner) to "View/Edit Account Admins" in order to view, add,  or edit account admins.
  2. From the "Admin Options" menu in the upper-right corner of the screen, select "Add/Edit Account Admins."**
  3. Click on "Add an Account Admin"
  4. If you have available account admin credits*, on the next screen enter the person's name and email address, then click on "Save."
  5. When you are ready for the new account admin to log in, please use these directions to request a new password: Request New Password

*Account admin credits never expire. If you purchase 4 additional account admins, you will have 4 additional accounts for the life of your subscription. If you are out of credits, you can remove unneeded account admins or buy credits for additional account admins.

**If you are not seeing the option to "Add Accounts Admins," you do not have permission to "view/edit account admins" which must be granted by the owner of the account.