To edit extra account admins who can log in to your TimeToSignUp account, please do the following. (Note: this is to edit the information of additional account admins.)
- Log in.
- If you have permission to edit account admins, under the "Admin Options" menu, select "Add/Edit Account Admins."
If you do not have permission to edit account admins, you will need to contact the owner of the TimeToSignUp and request that the owner grant you permission to mange account admins. - If you have account admins added to your account, you will see them listed in a table similar to the one below. (Personal information has been obfuscated below.)
Each additional administrator can be configured to have access to areas of the TimeToSignUp account.
- View/Make Payments permits the admin to see payment history and pay for upgraded features.
- View/Edit Account Admins permits the admin to add, edit and delete account administrator features including the admin manager page shown in the table/screenshot above.
- View Summaries/Logs permits the admin to see account-wide logs such as names of participants who have signed up on all of the TimeToSignUp sheets in the account, emails that have been sent on behalf of the TimeToSignUp account, and texts that have been sent on behalf of the TimeToSignUp account.
- Edit Account-Wide Settings permits the admin to make account-wide changes such as required fields, appearance settings (logo, icon colors, background colors), and folders.
- Grant Ownership changes ownership rights/privileges to the admin. Please be careful with this option: when you change ownership to someone else, the new owner has complete control of the TimeToSignUp account. You will no longer have ownership of the account and undoing this change must be done by the new owner.
To edit the admin's information, click on the "paper/pencil" icon.
To delete the admin from your account, click on the "x" icon.
An admin can change his/her own password; however, neither the account owner nor another admin can edit someone else's password.
If an admin does not know their password (because they forgot it or they are a new admin), they can use these directions to request a new password.