TimeToSignUp Platinum subscribers have the option of specifying a unique color for each column on their sign up sheets. This can be useful if you want to differentiate each column for a separate event, or to instruct participants to "sign up in the blue column."

Note: If you want all columns to have the same color scheme, please see Change color of sign up sheet.

To create a color scheme for one TimeToSignUp column:

  1. Log in to your TimeToSignUp account
  2. Go to the sign up sheet
  3. Click on "Edit/Delete Column" in the column heading


  4. On the Column Heading Setup page, click on "Show Advanced Options"

  5. Select "yes" for Custom colors for this column?

  6. Color choices will appear for several column options. Use the color choices to select new colors

  7. After selecting colors, click on Save Changes

  8. Your column now has a color scheme that is different than the other columns on the sign up sheet