TimeToSignUp Account Admins can add columns to their TimeToSignUp sheets - and in order to have items on the TimeToSignUp sheet, admins need to have at least one column. ?

To add a column to a TimeToSignUp sheet:

  1. Log in (admin only).

  2. Go to the TimeToSignUp sheet.

  3. Press "Add New Column" on your TimeToSignUp sheet. (You can also choose "Add New Column" from the Sign Up Sheet Administrator Options" dropdown menu above the TimeToSignUp sheet.)

  4. On the next screen, enter the column name.
    The column heading is just a description of the items that will be in the column.

    For example, if participants will be signing up for time slots, then the column heading should be generic such as "Sunday Time Slots."
    If participants will be signing up to donate food, then the column heading should be generic such as "Side dishes" "Snacks" or "Drinks."

  5. Optional: To edit additional properties of the column, press "show advanced options."
  6. When you are finished making your edits, press the "Save Column Heading" button.

  7. On the next screen, you are prompted to add an item to the column. The item is what people are signing up for - things like time slots, the type of food to be donated, the location where the volunteer will be positioned, etc.